F1 – USF1 : Communication before work

« The selection of drivers will be a series that will last all year, and we’ll do a real real TV program. « Indicated in February, Peter Windsor, team boss USF1.

The questions now arise. Who will drive for USF1? Probably both drivers pay. However, Windsor has it all wrong. Rumors are still there. Windsor says « he does not understand the need to communicate all the time to exist. » But USF1 has been presented as a new project. A Web 2.0 project. But instead, the game of F1, we have seen nothing, or almost.
Windsor had it all wrong, on the principle of « real TV » for driver selection. Indeed, this principle is hollow. Favoring the form that the funds of a selection. A hollow spectacle. The original would have been to vote in the 2nd pilot of the team by fans, like Big Brother. But then, the principle is more obscure. USF1 was the promise Web 2.0 but is a team Web 1.0, with a few social web.

As often, the idea was good, but its implementation has not kept its promises. Disappointment.

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