Michael Schumacher in Maranello, the love story seems lost in the past: « Currently, Schumacher is an opponent like any other and we will try to beat him, » said the spokesman of Ferrari, Luca Colajanni, with emotions. The return of Schumacher in F1 is criticized by the media and the fans of Formula 1. « Why this return? » means T’on for a week now. From the myth traitor, says the Italian daily, Il Giornale.
Not a return has been so sad. What to expect Schumacher to life? Schumi is open to new challenges. « 41 years, it will be very difficult to win again. Ferrari and Schumacher, from now on they will be opponents. We never thought of having to connect the word with its name, still less with the word traitor « Continued the Italian newspaper.
This transfer, Ferrari divided according Tuttosport. Some already announced that Ferrari will carry an average season. Alonso was probably not the man for the job. « Many fans talking openly of treason, others are excited to see him on the track, but many are asking questions. » Said an expert from Formula 1, Italian television. This tale fairy Ferrari will destroy from within. But will good for Formula 1.
Treason? Really? I do not know, but I think that this return is deeper. Probably guided by the relationship Ross Brawn and Michael Schumacher. Part of the answer is there.
Tout à fait d’accord : La combinaison Ross Brawn + Monoplace compétitive = y a pas photod !…Ferrari n’est la plus la dreamteam à battre – elle se cherche encore – Les italiens sont furieux (c’est comme si on me disait que les frites belge ont un goût de fromage Hollandais… 😯 ) mais à qui la faute? Ferrari devra encore attendre un moment avant d’avoir un sale gosse talentueux sauce Schum.
Ferrari serai toujours une équipe à battre, n’en déplaise à certains 😎
A mon avis Ferrari sera toujours une écurie à battre c’est certain, Ferrari est un mythe en formule 1. La seule chose qui change, c’est qu’il est plutôt facile de la battre en ce moment.
même avec Alonso ?